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Kong-fu by Alex Loveless
In 2021, and really at every point in the past 5 or so years, I found myself outraged by the actions of silly small men, supposedly “strong” men, in positions of responsibility and power, abusing their position for personal gain, gratification and ego aggrandisement. Many thousands of people have suffered and continue to suffer because of the actions of these selfish men and their enablers. These posturing troglodytes are cynical, nasty, vicious and small. They are gods in their own mind, but in reality are parasitical social disease, an expression of a society stricken by the sepsis of its own excess.
This picture depicts Fay Wray, the heroine from the 1933 movie King Kong. She sits atop a collage of images of these macho men and various depictions of 20th century vulgar masculinity. She is aghast at their vulgar, simian , chest beating posturing. But they are not the outsized gorilla in this metaphor, that this their following: innocent and confused? Perhaps. But wrecking everything in sight out of sheer, bloody minded fury and fear.